November 19th, 2019

Harriet Bishop PTO November 2019 Meeting Minutes

  1. Meeting was called to order. 13 people were present
  2. September 2019 meeting minutes were approved
  3. Special Thank you from Mr. Loesch – thanks for continued PTO grant support! 
  4. Hornet Hop and Silent Auction Debrief – Everything sold! Hop brought in $4200, Silent Auction brought in $4400. Library worked very well as an area for Auction, the new DJ was good, the whole event was well received and attended. Thanks to all the volunteers you hours of service mean so much to our Harriet Bishop community.

Volunteer Coordinator Update

  1. Spirit Wear – Yellow t-shirts added, sale will be shorter, ends Saturday!
  2. Family Fun NIght – craft night, will make sun catchers and lanterns
  3. Staff Treats December – SUG will be sent this week, reminder to pick up containers form conferences
  4. Yearbook – stick with $15 soft cover price, contract is signed
  5. Barnes and Noble Book Fair – SUG out, need volunteers to be Buzz, Educators will receive 20% discount

Treasurer’s Update

  1. Revenue forecast to exceed plan by $1,352, driven by hornet hop and silent auction, 
  2. Profit of $6,368 for the month

New Items  

  1. Chuck E Cheese restaurant fundraiser added 
  2. Hyvee will donate $1 from sales of red bags for the month of December
  3. Transitioning to Membership Toolkit for emails to ease management of members and lists

No December PTO meeting!

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