Harriet Bishop PTO Meeting Minutes

1.      The meeting was called to order and the January meeting minutes were approved.

2.      Principal Essay talked about the pep fest coming up this Friday 23rd at 3:00 as a time of celebration of our successful read-a-thon. (Thank you, donors!) Plans were made for the drawing of names for prizes. Every student has a chance at a prize and those that gathered over $50 get an extra name in the bowl. The top 8 earners will be recognized.

The winners of the January Box Top contest will also be announced on Friday (Mrs. Morlock’s class!).

3.      Treasurer’s update: The read-a-thon brought in $15,419.59!

  • Recent deposits include: AmazonSmiles: $113.26, Chiptole Night: $398.25, Schwan’s and additional: $11.20, Box Tops: $1000+, Asian Bowl: $16. 
  • The PTO has paid out $5,384 so far this year including 4 teacher reimbursement requests and Dazzling Dave (artist in residence.)

4.      Old business: all of the PTO Board positions are open for next year.

  • Tawny is willing to stay on in any position.
  • Without volunteers there will not be a PTO next year.
  • Positions can be shared (co-lead) with a friend or neighbor. The next board has the opportunity to make decisions on how to make it work for you!
  • Please email or call a board member if you are interested or come to the April meeting and throw your name in the hat!
  • We need to have the board members voted on in May. Remember, “many hands make light work!”

5.      Volunteer Coordinator update: We discussed the read-a-thon and prepared for the pep fest. We reviewed the Box Tops contest.

  • The spring book fair is looking for volunteers: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/9040D4AA5AD283-february  
  • A speaker from the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center will be coming to speak on March 20th at 6:30 and childcare will be provided. Watch for more info on that.
  • We will be serving cookies and lemonade at the SMART fair.
  • International Night needs you! Sign up to host a display table or offer an activity or entertainment: www.signupgenius.com/go/9040c45adaa2fa64-2018. We’ll be asking for volunteers to help that evening as we get closer to the event; watch for that request.
  • We’ve had to cancel the silent auction again this year because we didn’t have anyone to chair or co-chair it.

6.      New business: we planned the next Family Fun Night for April 13. It will be a family game night. Watch for more info to come. If you have any awesome ideas or yard games you’d like to share, please let us know.

  • We will be having a committee meet to plan the calendar of events for next year as well as the budget. We’d love your input! We’ll be meeting on Monday, March 12th at 5:30 in the Media Center. Both will be presented at the April meeting and voted on in May.
  • Melissa Maggio is looking into grants that we can apply for. If you know of any grant opportunities, let the Board know.
  • April’s PTO meeting will be at 6:15 on Monday 16th instead of the 17th due to the Community of Excellence award ceremony held in our district that night.
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