February 18th, 2020

Harriet Bishop PTO February 2020 Meeting Minutes harrietbishoppto@gmail.com

  1. Meeting was called to order. 16 people were present
  2. January 2019 meeting minutes were approved
  3. School liaisons Andrea was present, she is at HB on Thursdays in the office adjacent to the media center

4.  Volunteer Coordinator Update

  1. Book Fairs  no lead for next year
  2. Family Fun NIght -March 6th, Game NIght with water and popcorn
  3. Yearbooks – contract amount is 276 books, hard order deadline is March 31st
  4. Resturant Night – Dairy Queen – March date TBD
  5. Coca Cola Program – collect codes to raise money for school, add to newsletter, and make promotional information

6. Treasurer’s Update

  1. From grant re-opening, 7 grant requests came in, we approved 6 the 7th involved school lunch debt, details below
  2. Harriet Bishop Lunch Debt – set up an Angel Fund, Alisson will follow up with Farmington to see what they have done, promote the issue, quantify the amount, use scholarship fund to pay lunch debt

8. Read-A-THon – Blast off Into Reading! 

  1. Thank you volunteers, the donations are coming in and it looks like we will reach our $25000 goal
  2. Fliers will be available in multiple languages. 
  3. Concern was raised with individual incentives, trigger event being lunch with Mr. Essay for students who raise $200, 

9. New Family Open House  – March 12th 6:30 – 8 pm – signup will go to service club members first then schoolwide

10. TIme expired, other items were tabled for the March meeting.  

11. Next PTO meeting March 17th 

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