Harriet Bishop PTO Welcomes You!
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Harriet Bishop Spirit Wear is Back!
You heard that right! Spirit Wear is back! We've partnered with 1st day School Supplies to provide year round spirit wear options to our Harriet Bishop families! You can order spirit wear 24/7 and it will be shipped directly to you. Our grand opening sale starts April...
Sanford, Pierson, Thone & Strean once again proud to support Harriet Bishop
Courtney Strean is a partner at Sanford, Pierson, Thone & Strean, a law firm located in the western suburbs. Courtney’s daughters, Allie (6th grade) and Ari Strean (3rd grade), have been students in the Harriet Bishop community. Sanford, Pierson, Thone...
Snowman Event
Show your school spirit by making your best SNOWMAN! Harriet Bishop Elementary PTO#HBWinterFun This virtual event will be open for two weeks after the first big snow. Take a photo of your snow creation and post to social media using the hashtag...
Get involved with the PTO
There are many ways to get involved with the Parent Teacher Organization at Harriet Bishop Elementary School.
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Meeting Minutes & Agendas
November 2023 PTO Meeting Agenda
You’re Invited: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting Thursday, November 16, 6:15-7:15 p.m. Media Center PROPOSED AGENDA Welcome and Call Meeting to Order (Alison) Introductions Old Business Approve Oct 2023 meeting minutes (Found at https://www.hbpto.net/blog)...
October 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes
MINUTES Welcome and Call Meeting to Order (Alison) Introductions- Alison, Ann, Heather, Celeste, Heather, Keralynn, Niaka, Liz, Mrs Berryman, Mr Loesch Old Business Approve Sept 2023 meeting minutes (Found at https://www.hbpto.net/blog) Ann motioned, Alison seconds....
October 2023 PTO Meeting Agenda
You’re Invited: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting Thursday, October 12, 6:15-7:15 p.m. Media Center PROPOSED AGENDA Welcome and Call Meeting to Order (Alison) Introductions Old Business Approve Sept 2023 meeting minutes (Found at https://www.hbpto.net/blog)...