Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting
Thursday, October 10, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Harriet Bishop Media Center or Virtually
- Welcome and Call Meeting to Order (Liz)-
- Introductions- Liz, Keralyn, Ann, Sam, Celeste (virtual), Jake, Heather
- Old Business
- Approve September 2024 meeting minutes (Found at Liz motions, Ssam seconds.
- Other
- Open Board Positions (Liz)
- Volunteer Coordinator(s)- still open, how can we market it better? We have tried numerous things, next maybe video messaging with Liz/Linda? Things are still running smoothly so far, but will need to fill that role.
- Volunteer Needs
- Yearbook- need someone to do contract. Linda can help/support, but would like to find someone to pass along to.
- Hornet Hop- have team together, could always add 1-2 more people
- Family Fun Night Outdoor Movie Night – Recap- amazing turnout, new location good against the green wall, closer to playground, could start a little later
- Walk, Bike, Roll to School – Recap- great turnout, good weather, Savage PD escorted, potential to this again?
- Restaurant Fundraisers
- Chipotle (Savage) – Oct. 8 ~$346 raised , most we have made at Chipotle thus far.
- Cafe Zuppa – Dec. 11
- Panera – January 14 (Ann)
- Hornet Hop Update – Nov. 8- the theme is “Light Up the Night”. Planning is moving along.
- Silent Auction Update – Nov. 8- new donations still coming in, no big updates
- Yearbook Update- no update, just looking for someone to help with sales. Going with Kemmetmueller as supplier, they have a later deadline. Nikki is on for design for this year.
- Apparel- 10% of any sales goes back to HB PTO. There are occasional seasonal sales, so we need to promote that when there are deals. Direct deposit set up for anything earned.
- Treasurer Update (Sam) – need to figure out screen sharing for zoom
- Grant Requests
- Finalize Grant Requests- several pre-approved grants that were already in budget. The ones that are new are Spanish workbooks (this was approved by board at Monday grant meeting). Megan Anderson asked for digital phonics supports for 1st grade- Liz motions to approve, Sam seconds. Kaitlyn Shirley asking for math games grants for the 1st grade community- Liz motions to approve, Sam Seconds. Two grant requests that were pre-approved but for smaller amounts- Biz Town was approved with a budget of $850, request is $2600. We need more information about whether that is the final amount or not. For Safety Patrol snacks, supplies and field trip: $1,300 was budgeted but they are requesting $1,600. We can ask for more information to see what that increase is due to. We can approve the initial $1,300 that was budgeted, and wait for more info for the rest: Ann motions, Sam seconds. More requests can come in, including scholarships.
- Results communicated by Oct. 18- Sam will get in touch with teachers
- Other
- Teacher Meal Signup- was late getting this out, but the slots are filling up.
- Next Newsletter submission due date: October 28 (Ann)
- PTO Amazon account- Liz still working on this
- Grade Level Advisory – no updates
- Technology Levy– vote to renew the existing levy
- See if there are ways to help Bob’s family- PTO could donate to Go Fund Me, we will see if there is room in budget.
Upcoming School and PTO Events/Key Dates
- Hornet Hop & Silent Auction – Nov. 8 @ 6pm-8pm
- PTO Meeting – Nov. 21 @ 6pm-7pm
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