Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting

Thursday, October 8th, 6:15-7:15 p.m.

Zoom Virtual Meeting Link: Sent via School Messenger


  1. Welcome and Call Meeting to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Old Business
    1. Approve September meeting minutes (Found at
    2. Other 
  4. Connecting with other PTOs in 191 Update (Josh)
    1. Virtual Event Update (Virtual Event Ideas 2020-2021)
      1. Where’s Buzz Scavenger Hunt (Janet)
      2. Virtual Storytelling (Ken)
      3. Virtual Concert (Allison)
    2. Volunteer Coordinator Update 
      1. Directory
      2. Yearbook
    3. Treasurer Update
      1. September Financials
    4. Vote on Grants 
      1. VA Teacher Grant and Reimbursement Communication
    5. Other
      1. PTO Instagram and hashtag (Alison)

    Upcoming School and PTO Events

    • Directory Deadline October 9th
    • No School October 15th and 16th
    • Buzz Scavenger Hunt Oct 14th – 28th
    • PTO Meeting November 19th 
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