November 20, 2018

Harriet Bishop PTO November 2018 Meeting Minutes

  1. Meeting was called to order. 14 people were present; everyone introduced themselves
    1. October 2018 meeting minutes were approved
  2. Recap of recent events
    1. Silent Auction: successful! 100% profit of $2,832
      • Looking for new team leads and splitting tasks
    2. Hornet Hop: another good year! $2,112 profit
      • Looking for team leads – reach out to classroom party volunteers and need to manage/coordinate students with adult volunteers
    3. Fall Book Fair: profited $1,510 and sales are decreasing
      • maybe too close to holidays? Book sales seem to be going down in general
    • Lots of behind the scenes work – 41 volunteers when 52 volunteers needed; 7 no-shows
    • BOGO Book Fair in May around Fun & Field Day (also struggling to get volunteers)
  1. Treasurer’s Update
    1. Discuss long-term goal using excess funds (i.e. playground, outdoor classroom)
      • Also make sure that the funding needs of current students are being met
    2. Spiritwear (online sales. not tie-dye shirts) – $280 profit
      • A lot of work for minimal profit. Matched high school pricing. Seek out new vendor next year?
  2. Volunteer Coordinator Update
    1. Volunteering is down (events/services disappear without volunteers)
      • Do volunteers need more notice? (QR code on fliers, FB posts, Seesaw)
      • Seek out local corporations that need volunteer hours
    2. Consider requesting each family to volunteer a certain amount of hours each schoolyear
    3. Consider incentives for volunteering? (prize drawing, earn reward based on volunteer hours)
  3. Other PTO Business
    1. Family Fun Night: 12/7 – Bingo and Game Night
      • Snacks and prizes will be provided (lots of donations!)
    2. Playground Feasibility
      • GameTime estimated $150,000 to remove existing structure, re-surface plot, and install new structure (used GoogleMaps)
      • How did Hidden Valley get a new playground? Gideon Pond had sponsors
      • Would teachers rather have an outdoor classroom?
      • Could costs be decreased? (volunteers do labor, maybe a local construction company would help)
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