1. Welcome and Call Meeting to Order (Alison)
  2. Introductions- Ken, Alison, Heather, Liz, Celeste, Betsy, Keralyn
  3. Old Business
    a. Approve February meeting minutes (Found at
    Heather motions to approve, Alison seconds
  4. Conference Meal – Recap- ran out of most of meat, otherwise went well.
  5. Restaurant Fundraisers
  6. Jersey Mikes brought in over $600, 47 families.
  7. April 30 th – Raising Canes- flyer 1-2 weeks before, email reminders
  8. May- could do one more -Papa Murphy’s, Chik Fil A, Culvers (might need kids to
    deliver), Freddy’s, McHugh’s, Whiskey Inferno. Betsy will reach out.
  9. Read-A-Thon (Mar 18-Apr 5) (Liz)- $1,300 online donations. Collections tomorrow.
    Communications ready to go out over the next few weeks.
  10. Twins Game Night – May 3- flyers went out, one dollar amount was incorrect. Will
    do email reminder with corrected amount. Twins donated 100 tickets, right next to
    area that the other tickets. If we have extra tickets, liaison will do a push. Bus has
    75 capacity, so may need extra tickets.
  11. Volunteer Coordinator Update (Liz) 
    a. Volunteer Needs
    i. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week (May 6-10)- A couple volunteers,
    Janet will be resource. Push for a couple more volunteers and set
    up meeting.
    i. Restaurant fundraisers 
    i. Yearbook- will do a push in next newsletter. Add to event planning
    duty/ focus.
  12. Yearbook Update- coming together.
  13. Treasurer Update (Heather) – a few more grant requests came in. Owl pellet
    request was for 3 rd grade. Lots of teacher reimbursements coming through.
    Technically over budget, but good that teachers are using the funds. Approved
    meal for Building Leadership Team. Book grant for kindergarten- need to reach
    out to Ashley Berryman about whether she received state grant.
  14. Events Planning Update Committee Update- starting to divvy up events, Ken will
    take grade assignments to BLT, potentially launch next year.
  15. Other
    a. Ken- Budget Update- Ken presented district wide budget overview, and
    highlighted news specific to HB. Budget feedback can be submitted on
    a. April Newsletter submission due date: ?
    a. Board Elections- need to send out info next month about since board
    elections are in May. Alison and Heather may be out.
    a. Calendar for 2025-25- due to Melanie by April 28. Alison has initial
    calendar. Move Hornet Hop closer to Halloween, for candy donations.
    Looking at Nov 8 th .

Upcoming School and PTO Events/Key Dates

 PTO Meeting – Next Meeting: Apr 18 @ 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm
 Read-A-Thon: March 18th to April 5 th
 Newsletter due 3/22- yearbook push, board elections, put Read A Thon towards top of

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