Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting

Thursday, March 19th, 6:15-7:15 p.m.

Zoom Virtual Meeting Link: See School Messenger Email for Link


  1. Welcome and Call Meeting to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Old Business
    1. Approve February meeting minutes (Found at
    2. Virtual Story Time Recap
  4. SMART Fair Update (Not PTO, but Academic related)
  5. Read-A-Thon Update
  6. Yearbook Update (Book, Sales, Scholarships, Deadline)
  7. Teacher Appreciation Week Plan
  8. Volunteer Coordinator Update 
    1. Hyvee reusable bag program
    2. Other Fundraising
  9. Treasurer Update
    1. February Financials
  10. Other Business
    1. Board and Calendar 2021/2022

Upcoming School and PTO Events

  • Virtual Story Time?
  • April 15th – Next PTO Meeting
  • April 5th – 23rd Read-A-Thon
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