Thursday, January 21st, 6:15-7:15 p.m.

Zoom Virtual Meeting Link: See email sent through School Messenger


  1. Welcome and Call Meeting to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Old Business
    1. Approve November meeting minutes (Found at
    2. Other 
  4. Virtual Event Ideas 2020-2021: Virtual Event Ideas 2020-2021
    1. Virtual Story TIme
    2. Jan/Feb Items
  5. Read-A-Thon Update
  6. Silent Auction Update
  7. Volunteer Coordinator Update 
    1. Conference Treat Bags for Staff
  8. Treasurer Update
    1. December Financials
  9. Other
    1. SMART Fair (Not PTO, but Academic related)

Upcoming School and PTO Events

  • January Virtual Story Time ?
  • Jan 14-Jan 31st – Snowman Building Event
  • PTO Meeting February 19th 
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