Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting
Thursday, February 19th, 6:15-7:15 p.m.
Meeting was held virtually over zoom with 14 in attendance.
- Introductions
- January meeting minutes were approved
- Virtual Snowman Event Recap – not much participation, probably due to very cold weather and no prizes
- SMART Fair Update – thanks to teacher push, more students have signed up to participate, most entries are SMART fair, we will not include a judged science fair portion this year,
- Read-A-Thon Update – sponsors and donations are steadily being added, prize structure and prizes are all going through the equity committee for approval
- Yearbook Update – working on a push to sell yearbooks, we are currently not on track to meet contracted book goal
- Volunteer Coordinator Update – Conference Treat Bags are being made for all teachers and staff for conferences,
- SmashBurger restaurant night is Feb 24th
- Treasurer Update -January Financials
- Revenue was $516, which was comprised of Read-a-Thon Corporate sponsors totaling $400, $95.60 received from Box Tops and $20 received from tie-dye t-shirt sales.
- Expenses were $755, coming from $500 donation for the BHS Scholarship, $150 donation to Class Acts, $79 for the Unity Mural grant, and $27 for the Sit Spot grant.
- YTD, the PTO has brought in $1,721 and incurred expenses of $8,998, resulting in a net loss of ($7,278).
- Cash balance on 1/31/21 was $32,277.
- FY forecast shows a profit of $1,070, but is highly contingent upon the Read-a-Thon. .
- Zoom Testing for Read-A-Thon Pepfest – recorded zoom meeting and stop clock for pepfest
Upcoming School and PTO Events
- February Virtual Story Time after PTO Meeting
- Feb 24th – SmashBurger Restaurant Night
- March 19th – Next PTO Meeting
- Read-A-Thon
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