Yearbook Photo Submissions

Yearbook Photo Submissions

HARRIET BISHOP YEARBOOKS 2020-2021 We can’t believe the new school year has begun! Although you just received last year’s yearbook a few weeks ago, the yearbook committee is already underway in the planning for this year’s book. We mostly rely on parents and teachers...
Easy Ways to Help The PTO Right Now!

Easy Ways to Help The PTO Right Now!

The PTO raises money to support and enhance the learning experience of all students at Harriet Bishop. Here are some easy ways to pitch in:   Amazon SmileEarn 0.5% cash back to the PTO on your Amazon orders! Just start each shopping trip at...
September 2020 PTO Update

September 2020 PTO Update

Hello Harriet Bishop families,  Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! While we all know this year is not business as usual, and things will look very different, your Harriet Bishop (HB) PTO Board is still committed to our purpose, which is as follows:  To...
PTO Meeting Change!

PTO Meeting Change!

Just a quick announcement that District 191 has requested that no events/activities take place after school on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 in order to honor and celebrate the recipients of the One91 Community of Excellence Awards. Principal Essay asked during the January...
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