1. Welcome and Call Meeting to Order (Alison)
  2. Introductions- Ken, Tanya Meyer, Celeste, Heather, Alison, Liz, Keralyn
  3. Old Business
    a. Approve February meeting minutes (Found at Alison
    motions, Heather seconds
  4. Read-A-Thon Update (Liz)- $11,000 approximately. Earned the duct taping prize.
  5. Restaurant Fundraisers
    a. April – Raising Canes- Betsy arranged
    a. May- did Betsy find something for May too?
  6. Twins Game Night – May 3- quite a few unclaimed free tickets. Figuring out how to
    get those used. Ordered another bus, 83 signed up for bus. Two buses total.
    Covering buses through title funds- Melanie is finalizing. Can also apply money
    raised from tickets to go towards buses. Ken and Melanie can touch base with
    Betsy. We have ~$500 in budgeted.
  7. Volunteer Coordinator Update (Liz) 
    a. Staff appreciation week- planning is underway, trying to meet tomorrow.
    Massage therapist volunteered but doesn’t have much capacity.
    a. Volunteer Needs
    i. Yearbook- no updates from Linda. Outreach in newsletter, haven’t
    received any takers
    i. May family fun night- decide what to do. In past we have had pizza,
    Kona, other desserts. Title funds available? Can cover pizza, but
    not Kona. Ok to not have Kona. Movie and games. Could do
    Costco cookies or similar again. Look at signup genius from last
    year. Jessica Scholl ordered pizza last year can do again, could do
    it again maybe have some help. Last year did a combo of pizzas.
    Liz will connect with Jessica. Alison will work on flyer, movie-
    Elemental. Look at planning doc. Nicollet National Junior Honors
    students could be good source of volunteers.
    ii. Cane’s Donation- Melanie was in contact. Canes graduation
    certificates for 5 th graders. Also have basket for staff appreciation.
  8. Yearbook Update-
    a. Approve 2024-2025 Calendar (Alison)-
  9. Fall family night Oct 4 th –
  10. Do not know MCA testing window yet to schedule Readathon
    around. Later April preferred. Decide pepfest day depending on
  11. May 2 nd digital learning day
  12. May family fun night 5/9


  1. 2024-2025 Board Ballot
    b. Email needed to go out – use this doc as a base- Liz has another template
    email to send
    c. Remove Heather in case
  2. May Family Fun Night Planning
  3. Treasurer Update (Heather) 
  4. US Bank donation Read A Thon facilitated from Keralyn needs to be
    finalized. Linda Smith has process.
  5. Thank you to Crown Rental- Liz will do
  6. Thank you notes from BLT, Brainpower in Backpack,
  7. Only $70 in negative, lower than projections
  8. Did not get grant for Spanish books, do we have room to cover any of
    those books/grants?
  9. In future having grant amount set aside by grade- decide at executive
    meetings in august, communicate to staff at the beginning.
  10. Ken notifying teachers about book grant approval amounts.
  11. Events Planning Update Committee Update (Ken)- Nikia, Ashley Berryman are
    helping. Meeting in July 18 th , 6pm
  12. Other
    a. May Newsletter submission due date: April 19 th or 26 th . Signup genius for
    Family Fun Night, Staff Appreciation, Ballot and volunteer, Readathon
    Results, Restaurant Fundraisers
    a. Migrate website to new host- new free host, or keep in budget.
    b. Need new budget
    c. Need to code copies made
    d. Volunteer thank you cards- physical thank you cards, start doing that
    again. List of classroom volunteers as well.

Upcoming School and PTO Events/Key Dates

 PTO Meeting – Next Meeting: May 16 @ 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm
 Twins Night – May 3rd
 May Family Fun Night – May 10, 2024

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