You’re Invited:

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting

Thursday, April 21st, 6:15-7:15 p.m. Media Center

Estás invitado:

Reunión de la Organización de Padres y Maestros (PTO)

Jueves, 21 de abril, 6:15-7:15 p.m. Centro de Medios

Si necesita ayuda para traducir esta agenda, puede llamar a la línea en español de la oficina para obtener ayuda. El número es 952-707-3969 para hablar con Priscila o Andrea.


  1. Welcome and Call Meeting to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Old Business
    1. February and March meeting minutes (Found at
    2. Gaga Ball Mat Installed!
  4. Board and Calendar 2022/2023
    1. Board Ballot 
    2. Ballot and Volunteering Information
    3. Calendar
  5. Read-A-Thon Update 
  6. Teacher Appreciation Week Update 
  7. T-shirt/online store Update
  8. Volunteer Coordinator Update  
    1. Yearbook
    2. School Toolbox
  9. Large May Family Fun Night Plan (May 20) 
  10. Treasurer Update 
    1. March Financials 
    2. Outdoor Classroom Update
  11. Other

Upcoming School and PTO Events

  • Read-A-Thon – April 4-22 (Pep Fest May 4th)
  • Next PTO meeting  – May 19th
  • Teacher Appreciation Week May 2nd – 6th
  • Twins Game – May 6th
  • Family Fun Night Extravaganza – May 20th
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