April 28th, 2020

Harriet Bishop PTO April 

2020 Meeting Minutes harrietbishoppto@gmail.com

  1. Meeting was called to order. 12 people were present by ZOOM call
  2. February 2019 meeting minutes were approved
  3.  Volunteer Coordinator Update
    1. Yearbooks -completed book sent and books will be delivered May 29th 
    2. Coca Cola and Box Tops Program combining
    3. Spirit wear, no spring sale, but items will be available next year 
    4. New Team Leads needed

4. Treasurer’s Update

  1. Financials looking good, we will keep approving things on a case by case 
  2. $50 COVID-19 teacher reimbursement to help with cost of letters and stamps to communicate with students
  3. Look into outdoor classroom 

5.  Read-A-Thon -prize contingency plan made, prizes will be distributed at school dropoff and pick up May 27-29

6. Virtual Teacher Appreciation week planned, will make video collage with students showing support to teachers, $25 amazon e-gift cards sent to teachers.  

7.  Next PTO meeting May 19th

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